Fluoride Treatments

Why fluoride?

We recommend fluoride since it eliminates sensitive teeth and decrease tooth decay. With routine use of fluoride, you can help yourself prevent tooth decay and build stronger enamel resulting in the fresh feeling of great oral health.

We recommend that all children over the age of 3 and adults brush 3 times a day with a fluoride toothpaste. After brushing, everyone should floss and use of a fluoride mouth rinse to promote an even healthier mouth. A professional fluoride treatment will be offered at all of our dental cleanings. Adults, teens and children can benefit from fluoride treatments. Most dental plans pay for a child fluoride treatment at 100% every 6-months. Products containing fluoride are safe and effective in maintaining good oral health.

What is fluoride?

Fluoride is a chemical ion of the element fluorine (from the Latin fluo meaning “to flow”). Fluoride is found naturally in water, foods, soil, and several minerals such as fluorite and fluorapatite. However, it is also synthesized in laboratories where it may be added to drinking water or used in a variety of dental and other products.

Did you know?

Fluoride reduces tooth decay in children and adults, helps reduce sensitivity and promotes healthy gum tissue.
Fluoride toothpaste has helped reduce tooth decay by as much as 50%.
More than 300 million people world-wide drink artificially fluoridated water.
Tea and fish naturally contain fluoride

Fluoride in older adults (over the age of 50) is recommended by the ADA (American Dental Association) due to a recession of gums that expose more root structure in the adult group.